Bancroft Garden


BNA oversees the community garden located at Bethel Lutheran Church along 16th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets. The garden consists of 13 plots that are 10’ x 20’. There is a $30 fee, plus a refundable $50 deposit, for each plot which includes water, access to seeds, and various plant donations throughout the summer. There is a limit of one garden plot per household and preference is given to residents of Bancroft neighborhood. All plots have been assigned for 2022. However, if you’re interested in gardening with us in 2023, click here to be put on the list. Eligible households will be contacted in March 2023.

All plots for 2024 have been assigned. Check back in the winter for information on the 2025 season

You can check with the Minneapolis Park Board as they may have open plots for this summer.

BNA also oversees the Meridian Garden Food Forest along 38th Street at 12th Avenue. Unlike the garden plots, which are for individual use, food grown at the Meridian Garden is for everyone. A core group of volunteers, along with interns from the City of Minneapolis STEP-UP Program, help maintain the garden and are always looking for more volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering at the Meridian Garden, let us know by clicking here.